On Christmas, most expect to look up at the sky and see Santa Clause, Reindeer, or at the very least, flying snow. However, at our family Christmas in Verdigre, NE, we looked up at the sky and saw a rainbow.

The rainbow and its preceding thunderstorm sparked conversation among my (aging) uncles about Christmas weather of years past. At a farm place without internet or cell phone service, they recalled Christmases with feet of snow and ice storms which took out the power, but never rainbows. Of course, that night a windstorm took out the power and my cousins and I ended up playing Monopoly by candlelight.

A rare winter rainbow is fitting for such a unique place where one can escape the endless notifications of a plugged-in life. Still, I am excited to get back to Best Point and connect the world – one website at a time.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from everyone here at Best Point!